Shiny Meloetta, Black Kyurem, and White Kyurem make their debut during Pokémon GO Tour: Unova - Global 2025!
Reshiram will appear in raids first, followed by Zekrom!
Black Kyurem: Trainers can fuse Kyurem and Zekrom using 1,000 Volt Fusion Energy, 30 Kyurem Candy, and 30 Zekrom Candy!
White Kyurem: Trainers can fuse Kyurem and Reshiram using 1,000 Blaze Fusion Energy, 30 Kyurem Candy, and 30 Reshiram Candy!
Black Kyurem's Freeze Shock: After fusing Zekrom with a Kyurem that knows the Charged Attack Glaciate, Glaciate will turn into the Charged Attack Freeze Shock. Freeze Shock will change back to Glaciate when Zekrom is separated from Kyurem.
Trainers can use 5,000 Stardust and 5 Kyurem Candy to activate Freeze Shock’s Adventure Effect, which casts electrically charged ice for 10 minutes. During this time, the Pokémon you encounter won’t be able to move, making them easier to catch. This also makes Pokémon easier to catch, including with connected accessory devices.
You can extend the timer for Freeze Shock’s Adventure Effect in increments of 10 minutes by using more Stardust and Kyurem Candy. The timer can be extended up to two hours each time you tap Use, and you can tap Use again to add additional time—up to 24 hours total!
Freeze Shock cannot be active at the same time as another Adventure Effect.
White Kyurem's Ice Burn: After fusing Reshiram with a Kyurem that knows the Charged Attack Glaciate, Glaciate will turn into the Charged Attack Ice Burn. Ice Burn will change back to Glaciate when Reshiram is separated from Kyurem.
Trainers can use 5,000 Stardust and 5 Kyurem Candy to activate Ice Burn’s Adventure Effect, which activates a chilling energy for 10 minutes. During this time, the target ring in Pokémon encounters will move more slowly, making it easier to land Excellent Throws. This also makes Pokémon much easier to catch, including with connected accessory devices.
You can extend the timer for Ice Burn’s Adventure Effect in increments of 10 minutes by using more Stardust and Kyurem Candy. The timer can be extended up to two hours each time you tap Use, and you can tap Use again to add additional time—up to 24 hours total!
Ice Burn cannot be active at the same time as another Adventure Effect.
Neither Freeze Shock nor Ice Burn can be learned via a Charged TM or Elite Charged TM currently.
Smeargle cannot learn Freeze Shock or Ice Burn.
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