Tip: A useful strategy for maximizing XP is to line up multiple friends to reach specific Friendship Levels at the same time and use a Lucky Egg to double all the bonus XP received.
For example, if you use a Lucky Egg and reach Best Friends with 5 Pokémon trainers while the egg is active, you would gain a total sum of 5 x 200,000 XP = 1,000,000 XP, as opposed to 5 x 100,000 XP = 500,000 XP without the use of a Lucky Egg.
Here is a table that outlines the XP bonuses upon reaching each Friendship Level:
Friendship Level | XP Bonus |
Good Friends | 3,000 XP |
Great Friends | 10,000 XP |
Ultra Friends | 50,000 XP |
Best Friends | 100,000 XP |
If at least one trainer does not have receiving the Pokémon registered in their Pokédex, it will be considered "New" and therefore cost more Stardust. This includes possible different "forms" of the Pokémon, for example Costume variants, Unown variants, Spinda variations, Flabébé forms, Castform forms, Oricorio forms, Alolan, Galarian, etc.
Trades are also considered "Special Trades" when a Shiny or Legendary Pokémon is involved.
Stardust costs aside, you can typically make only one "Special Trade" a day, unless there is a special bonus active that allows more than that. Other forms of "Special Trades" may include trading Ultra Beasts and Purified or Mythical Pokémon.
Here is a table that outlines the discounts available according to each Friendship Level obtained:
Friendship Level | Trade Discount | Regular Trades (Caught vs New) | Special Trades (Caught vs New) |
Good Friends | 0% | 100 vs 20,000 | 20,000 vs 1,000,000 |
Great Friends | 20% | 100 vs 16,000 | 16,000 vs 800,000 |
Ultra Friends | 92% | 100 vs 1,600 | 1,600 vs 80,000 |
Best Friends | 96% | 100 vs 800 | 800 vs 40,000 |
Note: Only the highest level applies, the bonuses do not stack.
For example, if both a Best Friend and Ultra Friend were participating in the same raid as you, you would get +10% attack damage bonus and +4 extra Premier Balls during your successful raid boss encounter.
Here is a table that outlines the battle bonuses available according to each Friendship Level participating in the same battle:
Friendship Level | Gym/Raid Attack Damage Bonus | Extra Encounter Balls |
Good Friends | +3% | +0 |
Great Friends | +5% | +1 |
Ultra Friends | +7% | +2 |
Best Friends | +10% | +4 |